Emm 16th May 2023

Homage to dear Brian, Little did either of us know that our Easter Saturday chat would be our last. You sounded stronger than you'd been for a while, and I told you how happy I was about it, and also how happy I was that we'd ķept this weekly chat routine going even after Gordon's passing. I knew he'd have wanted me to keep in touch with you; after all your friendship had bridged more than six decades. I'd like to believe that your spirits are all up there together now, somewhere in The Great Unknown, free from all earthly troubles and tribulations, reunited in pure bliss. In my heart I believe that you're now reunited with Marge, the love of your life. Your spirits are together and nothing else really matters anymore. I'm blessed to have known you both, however brief that was, and I'm grateful for the bits of life we were able to share. Your friendship will always mean the world to me and you hold a special place in my heart as one of the kindest and nicest people I had the privilege to know. I already miss our weekly banter, laughter and even tears; it was special... you were special. My heart is heavy as I share the sadness that your family and friends must feel by your absence. Thank you for letting me be part of your life; it certainly made mine richer... Adieu dear Brian, I shan't ever forget you. In loving memory,